Johny Blackstore

Online Store with Shopping cart  simplecart made in can use paypal for the transaction or manualy transfer on Bank Account. Is Free Profesionaly online store template, simple modification with your idea.

Post Artikel

Please read and folowing the code to post the new article / product :
<div class="product_image">
<a class="cloud-zoom" href="url-image.jpg" rel="softFocus: true, position:'inside', smoothMove:2"><img border="0" class="item_thumb" src="url-image.jpg" /></a>
<span class="item_price">$00.00</span></div>
<div class="product_describe">
Description your product.............

on red suggest to upload   product picture url with size 300 x 300 px
 yelloow : price
blue : product descripsion

The above code is the code that you have to start in making a new post, and to make it easy for you to repeatedly do not copy and paste the code while creating a new article, enter your post code in the template column. Go to settings, select the posts and comments >> post template. Click Add, then enter the above code in the empty box as shown below, setting the last save.

Shopping Cart
to Setting Paypal following the code :
<script type='text/javascript'> = &quot;;;
simpleCart.checkoutTo = PayPal;
simpleCart.currency = USD;
simpleCart.taxRate  = 0.02;
simpleCart.shippingFlatRate = 3.25;
simpleCart.shippingQuantityRate = 1.00;
simpleCart.cartHeaders = [&quot;thumb_image&quot; , &quot;Quantity_input&quot; ,   &quot;Total&quot;, &quot;remove&quot; ];
Chane email (red code)with your paypal email

Support Feature
  1. To Change slider, following the code
    document.write(&quot; &lt;script src=\&quot;/feeds/posts/default?max-results=&quot;+numposts+&quot;&amp;orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=showrecentposts\&quot;&gt;&lt;\/script&gt;&quot;);
    change whit code :
    document.write(&quot; &lt;script src=\&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/your label?max-results=&quot;+numposts+&quot;&amp;orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=showrecentposts\&quot;&gt;&lt;\/script&gt;&quot;);
    Change code blue with the label you want displayed on the slider 
  2. To change an existing subscription email below navigation, search code below on the Edit HTML (do not forget to check the box expand widget templates):
    The blue color: replace with your feed address.
  3. These templates use the comment box models that have been modified, to enable the functions of reply you need this code in the Edit HTML, again do not forget to check expand widget templates box :
    <a expr:href='&quot;;postID=&quot; + + &quot;&amp;isPopup=true&amp;postBody=%40%3C%61%20%68%72%65%66%3D%22%23&quot; + data:comment.anchorName + &quot;%22%3E&quot; + + &quot;%3C%2F%61%3E#form&quot;' onclick=', &quot;bloggerPopup&quot;, &quot;toolbar=0,location=0,statusbar=1,menubar=0,scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=500&quot;); return false;'>Reply</a>
    Warna merah pada kode diatas adalah ID blog demo, Anda harus ganti dengan ID blog anda yang terletak pada browser jika anda masuk ke dashbord, seperti gambar di bawah ini :

  4. Popular Post widget with thumbnail Setting :
    Save Template
For more informarions and disclaimer please visit : creating website

1 komentar:

Paulnetworks at: 20 Februari 2015 pukul 03.11 mengatakan...

the link to download not work

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